Red bleach 4-5mm coconut heishe Unisex Necklace
12 rows red twisted glass Necklace with Pendant
Violet oyster chips and acrylic Womens Necklace
4-5mm heishi white clam Choker Necklace
50mmx10mm rectangular two tone blue-green Shell Pendants
Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
3 painted red brown 2-3mm coco Wood Necklace
2-3 mm coconut pukalet black Bone Necklace Horn Necklace
Bayong wood tube 4-5mm Shell Anklets
Bayong slide cube 12mmx12mm Dice & Sided Wood Beads
Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
Bayong round wood beads 4-5mm duplicate Round Wood Beads