2-3mm coconut heishi natural Coco Necklace
 Cord scallop mop 30mm Necklace with Pendant
 7-8mm c. pukalet lilac 2-3 hshe Coco Necklace
 Sigay scallop-nassa white and tiger- Leis
 45mmx20mm kabibe shell fang pendant Natural Earth Color Necklace
 8 rows copper wire cuff Glass Beads Bracelets
 Heart 40mm transparent brown Resin Pendants
 Collectible handcarved laminated acacia Wooden Acacia Bags
 Bleach wood tube 4-5 Wood Necklace
 Dangling 35mmx37mm laminated mop blacktab accordion Shell Earrings
 Flat round black horn 20mm Horn Flat Rectangular Disc Beads
 3 layers twisted 2-3mm Teens Necklace