White rose lavender splashing Surfer Necklace
 20mm natural white round wood Wrapped Wood Beads
 Handpainted and colored diamond 48mmx40mm Hand Painted Pendants
 4 layers wax cord Necklace with Pendant
 32mmx18mm blacklip shell inlaid Mens Necklace
 40mm dog tag blacklip Carved Pendants
 4-5mm lilac coconut pokalet Coco Necklace
 2 rows 2-3mm coconut pokalet Natural Earth Color Necklace
 Red carabao horn nuggets Choker Necklace
 Dangling blue tones glass beads Adjustable Necklace
 Knotted double cord buri Unisex Necklace
 55mmx55mm shield carabao horn in Bright & Vivid Color Necklace