Rounded triangle crushed limestones Resin Pendants
 Encasted imitation shark teeth pendant Necklace with Pendant
 4-5 coconut pukalet bl. Necklace with Pendant
 Twisted 4 rows aquamarine 2-3mm Coco Bracelets
 Round 40mm hammershell handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 3 rows twisted 7-8mm coco Shell Necklace
 Dangling 35mmx37mm laminated mop blacktab accordion Shell Earrings
 30mmx40mmx6mm patikan old palmwood twisted Wood Beads
 Scallop 35mm transparent red resin Hand Painted Pendants
 Fish handpainted wood refrigerator magnet Refrigerator Magnets
 Round 35mm hammershell Hand Painted Pendants
 White clam blue 4-5 Unisex Necklace