4 pcs. 17mm nop flower Womens Necklace
H=37mm thickness=10mm inner diameter=65mm white Shell Bangles
Embossed handpainted 40mm hammershell in Necklace with Pendant
H=40mm thickness=10mm inner diameter=65mm natural Hand Painted Bangles
Light red mahogany tone Hand Painted Bangles
4 layers intertwined cut beads 4-5mm Coco Necklace
Reddish brown square coco Native Bags
Ginit long 10 1 2x4x10 in. Native Bags
Dangling 40x10mm black tab bar Shell Earrings
Orange frog shell sidedrill Shell Beads
Grained stained glazed and matte coated Wooden Bangles
Natural white wood in pastel Wooden Bangles