2-3mm coconut pokalet. troca Fetish Necklace
 40mm square brownlip Shell Pendant
 Nassa white topdrill 32 in. Shell Beads
 Balimbing horn antique 10x10x18mm Horn Beads
 Caput shell cypria Shell Pendant
 2-3mm black coconut pokalet. Natural Earth Color Necklace
 Natural white jigsaw coco Native Bags
 Luhuanus nuggets red corals Shell Bracelets
 2-3mm pastel green blue coconut pokalet. Necklace with Pendant
 50mmx20mm inlaid back to back Natural Earth Color Necklace
 Dangling 35mmx35mm carabao horn heart Horn Earrings
 3 rows golden cable wire Surfer Necklace