Round 40mm kabibe shell Hand Painted Pendants
 Dangling buri tiger seeds Shell Earrings
 Floating 2-3mm coconut pokalet. natural Coco Bracelets
 Dangling white rose white clam Shell Earrings
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 Elastic 9 pcs. kukui nuts Kukui Nut Bracelets
 13 rows wax cord and Necklace with Pendant
 Owl mop carving 40mm Carved Pendants
 Dangling 20mmx10mm inlaid mop bar Shell Earrings
 Pastel blue bleach 2-3mm coconut pokalet. Wooden Anklets
 60mmx40mm teardrop laminated paua chips Resin Pendants
 Natural horn diamond carving Carved Pendants