Collectible handcarved laminated acacia wood Wooden Acacia Bags
H=20mm thickness=12mm inner diameter=65mm bangle Resin Bangles
Inlaid hammershell in stainless 10mm Rings
Golden horn 4 sides 8x8x24mm Horn Bicone and Faceted Beads
Palmwood saucer 15x10mm Wood Beads
Floating aqua blue kabibe shell
Sigay with macramie necklace Surfer Necklace
45mmx30mmx10mm orange natural wood Choker Necklace
Twisted abaca macrame white Macrame Necklace
White rose hammershell natural Unisex Necklace
Dangling 36mmx24mm oval laminated mop Resin Earrings
Wooden jewelry box blue Jewelry Box