Red lips luhuanus 10mmx60mm Shell Bangles
 Round 40mm blacktab Hand Painted Pendants
 Dangling kabibe rounded teardrop 20mmx10mm Shell Earrings
 Dangling double round 25mm reddish Shell Earrings
 3 layers pink wax cord Pastel Color Necklace
 2-3mm coconut heishi tiger Coco Necklace
 Round black horn 40mm Bone Pendants
 4 layer knotted pink cord Pastel Color Necklace
 S.d.t. angel fish pink capiz Capiz Shell Wind Chimes
 2-3mm bleach coconut pukalet 25mm Teens Necklace
 Handpainted and colored teardrop 60mmx48mm Hand Painted Pendants
 Ginit oval with zipper 10x5x10 in. Native Bags