Round 50mm kabibe shell Hand Painted Pendants
50mm flower black textured painted Necklace with Pendant
Lumbang kukui nuts black Kukui Lumbang Nuts Beads
Dangling 45mmx30mm oval ambabawod wood Wood Earrings
10 pcs. of 20mm round Wood Bracelets
30mmx20mm oval laminated high gloss Flat Round Oval Shell Beads
Sinamay green tones flower plastic Native Bags
16 pcs. of kukui nuts Kukui Lumbang Nuts Beads
Square 40mm blacklip handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
Everlasting conus Crazy Cut Shell Beads
3 rows marbled 2-3mm coco Teens Necklace
2-3mm coconut bleach siged Shell Necklace