Natural white wood round irregular Slide Cut Wood Beads
 4 pcs. zebra kukui nut Kukui Necklace
 Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 2-3mm natural coconut heishi wire Womens Necklace
 10 rows floating 2-3mm coco Coco Necklace
 Dangling 25mmx10mm lilac pastel pink Shell Earrings
 30mm mop sigay shell shaped Carved Pendants
 32 pcs. of kukui nuts Leis
 Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
 Nassa 2 rows and frog Choker Necklace
 Tassled 2 layers satin cord Teens Necklace