2-3mm dark gray coconut heishe Shell Necklace
 Handpainted and colored teardrop 60mmx48mm Embossed Art Deco Pendants
 2-3 coconut heishi brown Coco Necklace
 3 rows agsam bamboo Multi Row Necklace
 Bamboo white clam heishe Necklace with Pendant
 Nautilus shell earrings Shell Earrings
 4-5mm coconut pukalet cut Womens Necklace
 25mmx25mmx5mm camagong tiger ebony hardwood Wood Beads
 Inlaid hammershell in stainless 10mm Rings
 Tassled single row silver clear glass Tassled Necklace
 Nangka wood oval 10x12mm Wood Beads
 Grained stained glazed and matte coated Wooden Bangles