4 layers wax cord in Necklace with Pendant
 10mm peach coconut pokalet Shell Necklace
 Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
 Pink 4-5mm coconut pokalet. splashing Teens Necklace
 Interwined glass beads 45mmx45mm Necklace with Pendant
 Elastic camagong tiger ebony hardwood Wooden Bangles
 Patikan wood capsule 25x10mm Tube & Heishi Wood Beads
 Bayong oval nuggets sidedrill 12mmx22mm Wood Beads
 60mm round mop chips inlaid Necklace with Pendant
 4 rows 2-3 coconut heishe Natural Earth Color Necklace
 Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 Inlaid hammershell in stainless 10mm Rings