Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 2-3mm coconut pukalet bleach Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
 Buffed bleached white wood 10mm Round Wood Beads
 Celtic black carabao horn hook Bone Necklace Horn Necklace
 Pastel dyed sq cut white Pastel Color Necklace
 13 rows wax cord and Necklace with Pendant
 Animal print kukui nuts gold Shell Necklace
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 Tassled 5 layers 2-3mm coco Coco Necklace
 Dangling heart 35mm laminated paua Resin Earrings
 40mm square clear white resin Resin Pendants
 3 layer black 2-3mm coco Shell Necklace