2 rows sig-id wood tube Shell Anklets
 Round 40mm kabibe shell Hand Painted Pendants
 Handpainted and colored round 55mm Shell Pendants
 Floating coconut and light pink Coco Necklace
 Dangling white rose Shell Earrings
 4-5 mm coconut pukalet brown Coco Necklace
 Dangling 7 pcs. 17mmx9mm laminated Leather Thong Necklace
 Sea turtle handpainted wood keychain Keychain
 Kukui seed olive green Kukui Lumbang Nuts Beads
 Robles wood capsule 8mmx20mm Wood Beads
 Graduated white clam grn Shell Necklace
 Robles football 10x25mm Football & Cylinder Wood Beads