Laminated banana bark bangle Resin Bangles
Chocolate shell - spiral approx. Shell Pendants
7-8mm coconut heishi orange Coco Heishi Beads
Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
Dangling 3 pcs. 20mmx12mm kabibe Shell Earrings
White rose pink rose Mens Necklace
4 pcs. zebra kukui nut Kukui Necklace
20mm 25mm round wrapped wood beads Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
4-5mm silver light and dark blue Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
Cunos oval 30 x 20mm Shell Pendant
Floating melo heishe Teens Necklace
Macrame bead accent and Womens Necklace