Dangling 35mmx35mm natural wood round Hand Painted Earrings
Green turbo shell in green Necklace with Pendant
6 layer mocca wax cord Multi Row Necklace
4inx3inx1.5in handpainted wood surfboard single SurfBoards
Tassled 5 layers 2-3mm coco Wood Necklace
4-5mm tiger coconut pokalet. Natural Earth Color Necklace
Troca 4-5 mm beads Round Shell Beads
40mm celtic eye carabao Teens Necklace
5 rows 10mm pink coco Pastel Color Necklace
3 layers 10mm black pink peach coco Multi Row Necklace
40mm heart hammershell Shell Pendants
50mmx35mm laminated and embossed brownlip Unisex Necklace