Round 40mm hammershell handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
H=10mm thickness=10mm diameter=65mm natural wood Wooden Bangles
18.5inx3 14inx3.4in handpainted wood removable surfboard SurfBoards
Magkuno iron wood twisted 30mmx40x8mm Wood Necklace
50mmx45mm flat golden amber turtle Horn Pendant Bone Pendants
32 pcs. of kukui nuts Leis
Scallop 35mm transparent red resin Hand Painted Pendants
Kukui seeds in animal print Kukui Lumbang Nuts Beads
Rectangular tissue box holder Gifts & Home Table Decor Set
7-8 elastic coconut heishi in Coco Necklace
Antique dark horn tube Horn Tube and Heishi Beads
2-3 coconut heishi bleach Unisex Necklace