Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 6 liner agsam design Wet & Wear Jewelry
 2-3mm coconut pokalet. bleach Womens Necklace
 Clay tribal mask on 60mmx40mm Necklace with Pendant
 Polished rectangular tiger coconut belt Belts
 Dangling 25mmx10mm mop teardrops in Shell Earrings
 Pink glass beads intertwined glass Pastel Color Necklace
 2 rows brown leather thong Wood Necklace
 Nangka oval 10mmx25mm Teardrop & Oval Wood Beads
 Fish on fork handpainted wood Keychain
 Leather thong leaf shell Shell Necklace
 3 layer glass beads and Teens Necklace