75mmx50mm laminated mahogany and brownlip Wood Necklace
 5 layers cream wax cord Teens Necklace
 45mm blacklip pendant in double Teens Necklace
 2 layers in graduated rows Womens Necklace
 Basket rings kukui nuts 15mm Wood Necklace
 25mmx36mmx6mm patikan old palmwood twisted Twisted Wood Beads
 Acrylic crystals gold coconut pokalet Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
 Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 3-tassle mahogany pendant Coco Necklace
 3 rows wax cord Necklace with Pendant
 10 rows - 2-3mm brown Twisted Necklace
 2-3mm coconut pokalet. natural white Shell Necklace