2 rows coconut pukalet bleach black Natural Earth Color Necklace
 Dangling pink hammershell square cut Shell Earrings
 5 rows rainbow cut glass Twisted Necklace
 Elastic aqua blue buffed and Wooden Bangles
 Dangling 20mm aqua blue hammershell Shell Earrings
 Elastic multicolored natural white wood Wooden Bangles
 Dangling 35mm flower blacktab Shell Earrings
 12 pcs. of 35mm 5mm Glass Beads Necklace
 15mmx7mm camagong tiger ebony hardwood Wood Beads
 40mmx10mm natural white bone Bone Pendants
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 50mmx28mm burn bone aztec god Horn Pendant Bone Pendants