Bayong oval nuggets 10x15mm Teardrop & Oval Wood Beads
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 Horn peace sign 45mm Horn Pendant Bone Pendants
 Camagong slice melon 2 Teens Necklace
 25mm subdued blue capiz shells Teens Necklace
 Dangling 35mmx7mm mop bar Shell Earrings
 3 layer glass beads and Teens Necklace
 Red and clear stone crystal Bone Necklace
 40mmx42mm laminated mop blacktab accordion fan Surfer Necklace
 10 rows - 2-3mm aquamarine natural Womens Necklace
 Clam pink palium pigtim shell Necklace with Pendant
 2 rows black leather thong Teens Necklace