White clam 7-8 pukalet Coco Necklace
Floating white clam heishe Shell Necklace
Inlaid troca lighter case Gifts & Home Table Decor Set
Round 40mm hammershell handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
2 layer wax cord Necklace with Pendant
5 layers intertwined 4-5mm coco Coco Necklace
Handpainted and colored oval 30mmx20mm Hand Painted Pendants
4-5mm coconut pukalet gray light green orange aqua Surfer Necklace
40mm heart hammershell Shell Pendants
20mm 25mm round wrapped wood beads Bright & Vivid Color Necklace