Floating pink rose chips Shell Necklace
 Leather thong black tab brown Shell Necklace
 Grinded white puka shell class Shell Beads
 Blacktab round 40mm Shell Pendants
 Elastic 8 pcs. kukui nuts Kukui Nut Bracelets
 6 rows 2-3mm heishi glass Shell Necklace
 Owl mop carving 40mm Carved Pendants
 Round bayong wood beads Unisex Necklace
 Y necklace 2-3 coconut bleach Tassled Necklace
 5 layers 4-5mm coconut pokalet. Multi Row Necklace
 13 rows copper wire choker Shell Necklace
 Glitter cord and wax cord Necklace with Pendant