Ginit recta with tahi 13x6x10 Native Bags
 4 layers wax cord in Wood Necklace
 Twisted chunky bangle flashy Wooden Bangles
 Leather thong 80mm Shell Necklace
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 4-5mm wht clam red maroon black green combinationnation Unisex Necklace
 Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
 Tassled 4-5mm coconut pokalet Necklace with Pendant
 Tassled single row silver clear glass Tassled Necklace
 Dangling 35mm round kabibe shell Embossed Art Deco Earrings
 35mmx25mm clay gemstone Clay Pendants