Dangling 30mmx10mm kabibe shells Teens Necklace
 50mm textured heart shaped Wooden Pendants
 Fish handpainted wood keychain 73mmx35mm Keychain
 30mmx40mmx6mm greywood twisted 12pcs
 3 tassle 2-3 coconut and Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
 Chunky elvira stained Stained Bangles
 Oval salwag corals red white rose Teens Necklace
 30mm heart red horn Bone Earrings Horn Earrings
 "robles" pointed nuggets 10mmx20mm Nuggets Wood Beads
 Dangling 15mmx8mm triple teardrop blacklip Shell Earrings
 16 pcs. of kukui nuts Kukui Lumbang Nuts Beads
 60mm textured heart bayong wood Wooden Pendant