40mmx42mm laminated mop blacktab accordion fan Surfer Necklace
Natural white wood mentos 5x8mm Wood Beads
Palmwood flat football 7mmx14mm45mm Wood Beads
4-5mm white clam heishe Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
4 rows tassled and Tassled Necklace
Dangling 35mm round kabibe shell Hand Painted Earrings
6 rows crème colored multi Necklace with Pendant
Glass beads coconut leaves Womens Necklace
Elastic 10 rows 4-5mm coco Wooden Bangles
2-3mm reddish brown coconut heishe Coco Necklace
Square horn 40x40mm Bone Pendants
5 layer glass beads Resin Necklace Stone Necklace